History – Bournda Bird Olympics



Many people are now familiar with the story of how the noble art of bird calling has been revived by SCLC schools in the Bega Valley.

The original bird call competitions were part of the Gould League’s programs to help students be more aware of the need to protect our precious and beautiful birds and we should all think about how we can help them to thrive, survive and singing for many years to come.

ABC Open Producer Vanessa Milton captured the magic of the wonderful history of bird calling in this great story ,  “Meet the champion bird callers of the South Coast” which ultimately led to the inaugural Bournda Bird Olympics in July 2017!  Tanja Public School were the overall champions of the day!

Far South Coast Bird Watchers Logo
Gould League Logo
Where's Ollie?

Some previous winners

Best Bird Caller – Jasper Bright – Tanja Public

The Wolumla winning team with the Jack Lynch Memorial Trophy

 Best Team Score– Wolumla Public School (with the Jack Lynch Memorial Trophy)

This student spotted some Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos flying overhead and called out to them as if they were members of her family.  Bega High Year 7 in 2013.

This is a little faint but this is a talented young lad from Year 6 at Tathra Public in 2013  – we were raven about this one!

 Bird call history at the Merimbula Museum

The Merimbula Museum story

Read about the reunion that brought past champions together! (Pay Wall)

Looking for resources on bird calls?

Tanja PS with the Jack Lynch Memorial Award

From left: The inaugural overall winners, Tanja PS with the Jack Lynch Memorial Trophy

Magpie audio from http://www.birdsinbackyards.net/


Winner of the Best Bird Caller at the Bournda Bird Olympics

Meet Sonny from Cobargo Public School

Sonny won the Jack Lynch Memorial Award for his School


Check out this wonderful video of some of the calls by ABC Open’s Vanessa Milton.  Nearly 10000 views!

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